Clinical Musician Certification Program
Mission Statement: We will offer high quality, affordable, accessible, and flexible accredited therapeutic music training and certification for musicians.
- High quality--Meets all NSBTM accreditation standards and is continually updated.
- Affordable--Low overhead expenses and efficient operation allow Harp for Healing to offer training at the lowest cost possible for the student.
- Accessible--Training is done through online resources, mentoring from a CMCP authorized mentor, and personal study. A reliable internet connection and proficiency in written and spoken English is required.
- Flexible--Students work at their own pace. There are no set timetables for completion. Course materials can be adapted to meet individual personal needs of the student.
Harp for Healing website: https://harpforhealing.com/
Informational video about therapeutic music https://youtu.be/vVIiI1twpQ0
Informational video about Harp for Healing CMCP https://youtu.be/lcr01klIh4o
Mary Stevens, CTM-CCM, VAHTP
Program Director, Harp for Healing
Clinical Musician Certification Program